Huntly Primary School is located on the northern fringe of Bendigo. Our school Vision is to develop articulate and resilient young people who contribute to their local and global community. Our Mission is to provide a safe, supportive, inclusive and stimulating learning environment for all students. We aim for our students to reach their full educational potential through differentiated, cohesive and student informed learning programs. As a whole-school community we work together to provide a positive school culture to engage and support the students’ individual growth. Our School Values (Respect; Resilience; Collaboration & Community) form the basis for how we interact and support each other.
The school has a current enrolment of 255 students. Huntly Primary School has a junior, middle and senior unit consisting totalling 11 classrooms. Specialist programs consist of Art, Physical Education, Music and Chinese Mandarin. Huntly Primary School has a total of 16.5 equivalent fulltime staff: 1 Principal class, 12.9 teachers and 3.6 Education Support Staff.
A major part of the culture at Huntly is our belief in active and supportive partnerships between home and school. We are committed to a partnership of teachers, support staff, parents and students, and we work tirelessly to provide a caring, friendly and safe learning environment.
The School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) program is being embedded across all areas of our school – in both classroom and non-classroom settings. A strong emphasis on positive behaviours is articulated and rewarded in classrooms, the playground and assemblies.
Our literacy and numeracy leaders lead staff to improve student achievement in literacy and mathematics through the rigorous collection and interpretation of data which informs instructional practice. Teachers maintain a commitment to a weekly classroom program that includes at least ten hours of learning focussed on literacy and at least seven hours of learning focussed on mathematics. Support staff provide personalised learning for students with special needs.
Our Information and Technology program is provided for students across years Foundation to grade 6. The program aims to support and engage students in educational programs and deepen the learning process. We believe that it is vital our students are able to use technology in a productive and safe manner as well as engaging our students and connecting them with the world. A large emphasis is placed on developing students to be good digital citizens.
Our Foundation (Prep) transition program is extensive as we aim to provide a seamless transition for our incoming Foundation students. Our “Road to Foundation Program” ensures our Foundation students are prepared both emotionally and socially for the upcoming school year.
We are extremely proud of our school, its culture and its commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for all students.
If you are considering enrolling your child at our school, please contact us to book a school tour.