Our OSHC program continues to grow and to ensure we are able to meet the school community needs longer term, we are moving to an external provider, After the Bell. After the Bell will take over the running of the OSHC program from term 2, 2024.
The flyer and welcome letter link below will provide all of the information required to understand how their program operates and the steps required to register for term 2.
After the Bell contact details are included below should you have any questions. Respectfully, please do not refer your questions to the school, as we are unable to speak on behalf of After the Bell and will direct your questions back to them.
- After The Bell -Welcome Letter To Huntly Primary School Families
- You can register your child through their secure online registration system. This is a requirement to provide care. https://parent-portal.kidsoft.com.au/enrolment-form?URLCode=AfterTheBellAus